Saturday, September 17, 2016

Dora Mae Jewelry has Moved!

Follow our new blog:

Or come visit the new Studio! 1620 Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32804

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Birthday Blog - Let's Celebrate Freedom!

Free Spirit: Is Your Spirit Free?

People throw around the phrase, “she’s a free spirit” rather loosely. Though “free spirit”  is generally a positive phrase, people mean many different things by it. Some mean having an air of independence, others mean having care-free attitude, and still others mean without restraint or accountability.

Freedom is something we all long for in our deepest hearts and souls but we all have very different ideas about how to attain it! Discovering the truth about the nature of freedom is a worthy endeavor with the potential to change our lives.

As I have experienced it, true freedom has its foundation in the Love of God. This very Love is a Protector like no other, a Defender so that we don't have to be. This very Love casts out all fear with the strength of 10,000 armies. Freedom always comes at a price. We are free because we've been fought for and won with a Love so powerful, everything in opposition flees in its presence.

The more we participate in this reality of God’s love, the more free our spirits will be.
Do you desire a free spirit? You may find the true nature of “independence” lies right in the word itself: “in dependence on the One who alone defines freedom.”

We all strive to put our best faces forward and that can be a beautiful thing! However, what is NOT so beautiful is women of infinite God-given value proving their worth to receive man-given approval. What if every woman knew their worth wasn’t an acquired condition to be validated but an inherent reality to be celebrated?! We would know freedom. And that sort of freedom changes the world, one freed spirit at a time.

For those of you who are looking, freedom makes it’s home within the walls of faith. Faith in the Love of God. Faith that we are who He says we are. Faith that He alone satisfies and gives us our infinite value. Faith to unchain ourselves from those “seen” realities that validate our existence (beauty, scholarship, relationships, etc.) and rely on the “Unseen” yet ever-satisfying and fulfilling Lover of our souls.

Galations 5:1 makes it pretty clear: Christ sets us free for…FREEDOM. Sounds rather redundant, doesn’t it?! Is he mistaken or is he trying to make a point?! We are not set free for service or good works, not for achievement or performance, not for righteousness or relationship. Simply put, we are set free to be free.

Ask God a simple question. “What is holding me prisoner?” And when He answers, be ready to bend the bars and break the chains and allow faith to fly you to freedom. 

It's my birthday y'all. And this is what I want to celebrate. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Free Spirit

I would love to invite any willing seekers to join me on a mission to discover what it truly means to be a “free spirit.” Your input would be quite helpful! I’ve lost count of how many people have recently referred to me as a free spirit and this has brought two questions to mind:

1) What do you think people mean when they say “free spirit”? Is it positive or negative? Or both?
2) What do you think it actually means to have or be a free spirit? (I.e. Is a “free spirit” something we could confidently describe, understand and ultimately experience? Cause whatever it is, it sounds great.)

I know this search will be have as many angles and facets a diamond, but believe its value could exceed many fingers full of them!
Here Kelly is wearing layers of more delicate 
pieces in the Dora Mae collection thrown on with a grey 
t-shirt and ripped jeans.  She just looks

If others believe I am a free spirit, I pray it’s because I’ve been on a deliberate, daring, and quite dangerous quest (sounds silly, but true) for freedom for five years now and have just begun to scratch the surface of the depths of both it’s meaning and manifestation in my own body, soul and mind.

Though I've begun discovering freedom of soul and spirit, I have yet to begin articulating it! Over the next few weeks I hope to do just that on this blog.

Again, I would truly love your help.  Feel free to comment here or weigh in on social media! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Freely yours, 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

On a Walk with Doubt

I decided to depart from the sunnier subject of style and embrace a darker side of life today. Doubt is a hole I want to enter rather than just try and fill. Doubt hasn't destroyed a's the energy expended trying to avoid the doubt that does that.

I have been challenging myself by reading authors who generally have my same faith, but who hold different beliefs. They interpret scripture differently than I have interpreted it. They live different lifestyles. They see and know and experience God from a different perspective. Some hold many more firm beliefs and have many more specific convictions than I have, and some have uncomfortably less! One person’s convictions could fill libraries of theological commentary and another’s on a few pieces of paper in a small shoebox by their bed. These seasons are always challenging for me because they give me a healthy, yet uncomfortable dose of doubt.

I went on a walk this morning to try and clear my head. As crazy as it sounds, I am learning to trust doubt. I’m not scared of it like I used to be. I purposely enter seasons that require me to lean into doubts of all shapes and sizes because I’ve seen that God is bigger than even my biggest doubts. I’ve begun to trust doubt, because ironically doubt leads me back to trust. And at the end of it all that trust is deeper, more relational and intimate, more nuanced and mysterious, more authentic and distinctly human.

As I was walking, a new thought occurred to me. It was a picture as usual. One picture was of the Almighty, Unfathomable, Great and Glorious Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Ha. What did HE look like, right? Well, I don’t know. He was beyond my imagination. But my imagination was trying really hard to communicate it to my logic. And though it fell far short, the effort in and of itself left an impression on my soul.  Suddenly, (in my imagination) I was face flat on the cement sidewalk unable to even glance in His direction. I began to worship.

In the next moment, I had another picture. I could hear it first, actually…giggling. Giggling?? Yep! Then there were two people on a cozy couch leaning close to each other, talking deeply, intimately, lovingly and totally enjoying one another.  It was the same God I couldn’t even look at the moment before! But there we were…friends.

And then this thought: “Doubt overcomes you when you exist in between these two realities - in the wilderness that fosters neither reverence nor relationship.” Hmmmm. What does it look like there, God? What fruit is born in that wilderness? As clear as day, one word: “Debate.” Wow.

Okay, then. But debate is healthy, I argue. It sharpens us, challenges us, refines our thinking. (I had just read debates between a Muslim and a Christian, between a gay Christian and a straight one, between an Episcopal existentialist, a Presbyterian rationalist and a Baptist idealist – and found all of them to be fascinating and quite helpful.)

“Yes, I have gifted many people with those abilities. But you’re missing the heart of my words. You may walk into that wilderness, but you must not live there. 40 days, max…ok?” I giggled.

Ok, I get it. The possibilities for different interpretations of God – exactly who He is and exactly what He requires – are truly endless. Living in that wilderness is like trying to walk on soft, sinking sand. Your legs will give out and you’ll end up on your face. That face plant could lead you to a healthy fear of God’s unfathomable nature or into the despair of fatalism.

”Hold on to your beliefs, Ansley. But hold onto your faith tighter. Your beliefs will surely change. But I’m praying your faith never will.”

Usually after a picture, a poem arrives: 

Transcendent and Immanent
Incarnate and Divine
Above me and within me
Creation’s and mine. 

Big sigh. The best kind of diety is the kind you can’t fathom, the kind that requires unending awe and adoration simply because of who He is. The best kind of friend is the one who loves and laughs and listens, the kind that lives alongside you.   Our God is mysteriously mixed and beautifully both. Venture out into the wilderness of debate and doubt if your western thought and intellect require it. But don’t stay there for long. Super and Natural will be waiting for you when you return.

Critically and creatively yours, 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 3: Feminine and Funk

I decided to dress up as Kelly one year for Halloween and chose head-to-toe lace and ruffles in all creams, whites and pale pinks. Kelly is a romantic at heart and it overflows into her fashion, her home decor and her incredibly fabulous tea-party-throwing skills. I'm talking serious skills - the kind that take your breath away when you walk into the celebration. As if the food, the place settings, the handmade ruffled paper poufs and party favors have all been celebrating for hours, and you just get to join in on their fun. For Kelly, the party is planning the party...and it shows. 

I tease her about her lace and ruffles, but the the truth is Kelly is equal parts romantic and spunk, feminine and funky. She balances whimsy with daring - a beautiful blend of pretty poetry with poignant prose. She doesn't try to project a style, it's just who she is and it overflows to both fete and fashion.

Here Kelly is wearing the "Spirit's fruit" necklace - a whimsical blend of bright vintage fruit baubles with gold leaves on mid-century gold link chain. She pairs it with a pastel fringed sequined mini, a soft grey t-shirt...and for a splash of spunk, pointed poppy pumps. 

Topped off with that hair...that HAIR...and that smile - perfection!

For more one-of-a-kind feminine and funk, visit

Creatively yours, 


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 2: Classic with a Twist

Meet my brilliant friend Kara.  I love featuring her because we have different styles. We sometimes call her East Coast because she's got quite the classic look. She verges on preppy - but always with a twist. In other words, her brains and her brands are sooo Ivy League.

Here she pairs pleated leather shorts with a beautiful cream top. She added a classic one-strap leopard heel (not shown) for a little fun and then topped it off with this flower-child-meets-rocker-chick Dora Mae necklace.

Dora Mae is the perfect twist for all of Kara's classic.

It makes her prep a bit more personal.

It takes her timeless and adds a hint of trend.

For all you classic girls out there, give this a whirl! And Kara, your fashion may be Ivy League, but what's even better is...your friendship is too.

Creatively Yours,


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

12 Days of Dora Mae ~ Day 1: Accessible Drama

Day 1 is a happy day because I am featuring one of my favorite pieces! This awesome little orange number's name is "Closer to Home" and is a mix of 1930's orange and rhinestone beads with an antique brass medallion and 1940's rhinestone button. Most people see a piece like this at a trunk show or boutique and think, "What would I do with a big bright orange necklace?" 

Well, let me tell you how to think about this. For me personally, fashion boils down to two words:         accessible drama.  If it has no drama, it's just clothes. But huge drama doesn't really work in real life situations. So, what we really want is for that drama to be is accessible to us - the carpool-runners, the meeting-goers, the heart-breakers. Yes, you. And here's where Dora Mae comes out to play! 

What do you wear with a bright orange necklace? You're going to hate me, but I have to say you can wear it with just about anything. I made it because I love orange and lavender together. I have this dark plum shirt and these great lavender shorts that everybody wears from JCrew. Perfect monochromatic look that just begged for a pop of very accessible drama. And outfit I can wear to a boutique appointment and to pick up my kids. Perfect. 

Here I paired it with an all white ensemble (this outfit works with just about every necklace I've ever made). And once's dramatic and accessible at the same time. But if you threw it on with a turquoise maxi dress or jeans and a grey t-shirt, it would look amazing as well. Or army green. Or pale pink. You get the point. (Side note fashion tip: to make monochromatic work, play with different textures like lace/denim, silk/leather, etc.) 

"Closer to home" is currently available at Zou Zou Boutique! Orlando folk can pop in and take a look at their new Dora Mae collection or shop other one-of-a-kind pieces at

Creatively yours,